Help a child go to school

Sponsorship is about creating a bond of solidarity with the children in the school.
Il means giving access to education.
It means keeping these children on the path to school rather than on the path to a difficult and premature job.
It means guaranteeing them medical care and a daily meal.
You will receive regular information on the life of the school, the actions carried out for all the children and their families and the evolution of the projects set up.

"The mind is enriched by what it receives,
the heart by what it gives."
2. Join the J'IRAI A L'ECOLE association by check
On line
Click on the button on the right, complete the information and validate.
By SEPA Direct Debit
Complete the SEPA direct debit authorization attached to the support form and send it back to us along with your bank details
By monthly transfer
Download the bank references of J'IRAI À L'ECOLE and schedule a monthly transfer of the amount of your sponsorship
3. Choose your method of payment for the sponsorship
You will benefit from a tax reduction of 66% of the amount of your donations within the limit of 20% of your taxable income.
J'IRAI A L'ECOLE, which is a recognized association of general interest and therefore authorized to issue tax receipts, will send you a donation certificate each year in January.
After tax deduction,
A sponsorship of €25 per month will only cost you €8.50 per month.
A sponsorship of €15 per month will only cost you €5.50 per month.