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We answer all your questions
What is J'irai à l'école?J'irai à l'école is a humanitarian association, created at the end of 2016, whose objective is to fight against the early deschooling of poor children in the suburbs of Antananarivo, the capital.
Where can I find account information for J'irai à l'école?You can download the J’irai à l’école activity report in the “Who are we? – Transparency”. In this same section, you can download the financial report of J’irai à l’école.
How can I find out about J'irai à l'école activities?By subscribing to our newsletter, you can be informed of our news. You can also follow us on Facebook and/or Instagram.
At what time of the year is the General Assembly held?J'irai à l'école closes its fiscal year on 30 September. The General Assembly usually takes place in December/January.
Who can participate in the General Assembly?All regular and one-off donors are invited to attend the General Assembly. An invitation by email is sent to everyone.
I cannot participate directly in the General Meeting: what can I do?With the invitation, you receive a power of attorney that you can complete and send back to us.
What are your main resources?Our resources are exclusively made up of private donations. Sponsorships, which are regular donations, mainly allow us to finance our daily support actions. Their regularity ensures financial stability and allows us to commit to the long term. The sponsorship donations and subsidies that we receive are mainly directed towards our investments, and primarily towards the project of the Ecole des Petits Géants.
I can't find the answer to my question.You can write by email to the following address:
I would like to make a one-time donation, is this possible?Of course. You can make this one-off donation on line, by bank transfer or cheque to be sent to us.
Why choose to sponsor?Sponsoring means creating a bond of solidarity with one or more children. It means giving access to education. It means keeping these children on the path to school rather than on the path to a difficult and premature job. It means guaranteeing them medical care and a daily meal.
Can we choose to sponsor a child?You can choose to sponsor a child or sponsor the school. We would like to point out that the resources from the sponsorships are pooled so as not to create inequalities between the children. Always for the sake of fairness, we recommend the sponsorship of the school which is easier to manage for a small structure like ours.
How does sponsorship improve the lives of children?We invite you to browse the “Our actions” section to to see what J'irai à l'école has been able to accomplish thanks to your donations. We thank you very much for your support.
How long does the sponsorship last?You are completely free to end the sponsorship whenever you wish.
How can I end my sponsorship?A simple email sent to J'irai à l'école is enough to stop the direct debit of your sponsorship. If it was on line via Hello Asso, you need to proceed directly on the Hello Asso website.
Is my contribution tax deductible?Yes. J'irai à l'école is a French recognized association of general interest and therefore authorized to issue tax receipts. Donations made to J'irai à l'école allow you to benefit from an income tax reduction equal to 66% of the amount of the donation, within the limit of 20% of taxable income. Beyond that, the excess can be carried over to the next 5 years. Donations paid by companies subject to income tax or corporation tax give rise to a tax reduction of 60% of the amount of the payment, within the limit of 0.5% of the turnover. business. This information concerns only persons residing in France.
When will I receive my tax receipt?J'irai à l'école will send you your tax receipt by email at the beginning of the year following your sponsorship or donation.
How will my donation be used?98% of the amount of donations and sponsorships are devoted to our actions: support for the running of the school and continuation of the construction of the Ecole des Petits Géants. Our operating costs, essentially made up of incompressible bank charges, amount to only 2% of our budget.
How are sponsored children chosen?The choice of the sponsored children is made by the Director of the school according to the financial financial conditions of the children's families.
How is the correspondence with the sponsored child?You will receive the child's file, including his/her photo, and a presentation of his/her family. You will then receive news twice a year (school report, drawing, note...). You can correspond with the child through J'irai à l'école. You will discover through these exchanges his/her daily life and dreams.
Can I visit my sponsored child?Yes, it is possible. Contact us before your trip so that we can discuss it together.
I can't find the answer to my question.You can write by email to the following address:
How to support you ?You can spread the news about J'irai à l'école to your friends and communities via Facebook or Instagram. You can also encourage them to join our sponsor community.
I would like to organise a fundraising event for J'irai à l'école on the occasion of a wedding, a birthday, a concert or other event?With great pleasure and you can count on all our collaboration to provide you with flyers, children's videos, sponsorship forms, and even objects from Malagasy crafts. Send us an email first ( and we will discuss it together.
I would like to have a stand at the next garage sale in our town to raise money for J'irai à l'école.Great! We can provide you with logistical support, flyers, etc. to enhance your stand.
I wish to give you clothes, books, toys.Contact us beforehand, it is preferable.
I want to join you as a volunteer.Whether it's one-off or regular, depending on your availability, put your talent, skills and dynamism at the service of J'irai à l'Ecole. Join us to feel useful and participate in actions that bring help and support to children on a daily basis. Send us an email first ( Here are some examples of assignments: - Administrative tasks - Animation of social networks - Organisation of events/parties for the benefit of JIAE - Fundraising - Logistical missions - Promotion of JIAE within schools that practice the "Bol de riz" operations - Sale of honey or Malagasy handicrafts for the benefit of J'IAE
I can't find the answer to my question.You can write by email to the following address:
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